Saturday, December 20, 2008


to the motherfuckingsonofabitch who pinched 2 of my hundred-dollar bills, please know this:

i don't know who you are, yet, but believe me when i say i will fucking find out. once i do that, i will relentlessly hunt down the motherfucking weasel that you are.

when, not if, i eventually catch you, you will dread the day that you were born; you will curse your mother for bringing you into this world to experience such unimaginable pain and misery that i shall take immense pleasure and satisfaction in inflicting upon you.

you will look to the heavens begging for help, but there shall be no assistance rendered and no mercy bestowed upon bastards like you. you will know that you deserve it, and you will beg for forgiveness, but it shall not be granted, for it is neither warranted nor justified.

bear this in mind, you shit-fucking piece of scum: the sad, miserable existence you call life has effectively ended the minute your puny, low-life, bottom-dwelling arse crossed my path.