Sunday, February 15, 2009

luck = random

png says (8:59 PM):
do u tink luck is random.
jf says (9:00 PM):
yes. i do think luck is random.
jf says (9:00 PM):
or perhaps there's no such thing as luck.
jf says (9:00 PM):
it's only a word people use to describe, or more often, to blame on, random events.
jf says (9:01 PM):
it's like, anyone could be hit by a falling object. that's random.
jf says (9:01 PM):
but we describe it as lucky, or in this case, unlucky.
jf says (9:01 PM):
anyone who buys a lottery ticket has an equal chance of striking it.
jf says (9:01 PM):
random odds. but we term it lucky, or unlucky, depending on outcome.
jf says (9:01 PM):
luck = random.
png says (9:01 PM):
but random>luck. rite?
jf says (9:01 PM):
yeah. random means more than luck. but luck itself is random.
jf says (9:02 PM):
like picking a book from a library. that's random. not about luck.
jf says (9:02 PM):
but if the book has a significant impact on your life, then you can call it luck.
jf says (9:03 PM):
if it's a life-changing story, or an inspiring tale that improved the way you lived your life, then you might say it's lucky you picked that book out of so many.
png says (9:03 PM):
so the more random u are, the more chances the mind thinks it gets lucky?
jf says (9:03 PM):
nah. depends on circumstances.
jf says (9:03 PM):
if the random event is significant in a good way, you'll probably feel lucky. and vice versa.
png says (9:05 PM):
im random here.