Tuesday, October 7, 2008

2nd citi interview

earlier this morning, i had to go for a redundant 2nd interview with citibank. apparently, the 1st interview i had with them was conducted by the number 2 in the department, and now the number 1 wanted to have a look at me for herself. so i got up early, squeezed with the other sardines commuting in the can, perspired profusely under the formal office wear, and arrived at the place 10mins early, all flush and flustered.

after a short conversation with the hr staff, she led me to the office where i met the head of the department that was looking to hiring me. the meeting with number 1 lasted barely 6mins, as she quickly went through the job scope and expectations of the post. the briefness of the whole encounter got me worried. i couldn't resist asking her, rather candidly, how likely i was to land the job, and she revealed that my chances were quite high, although she would have to review a few other candidates before she could reach her final decision. how political.

all in all, i thought it was a major waste of time and effort, having been disappointed by such a hopelessly short and inconclusive meeting. at the end of it, i was advised to wait for another 2 weeks, on top of the 4 weeks of edginess i had already gone through since the 1st interview. right now, i'm feeling rather discouraged by all the uncertainties presented before me, but what can i do? just wait and see lor.. =|