Friday, October 10, 2008

weapons of choice

ever visualised verbal abuse as actual weapons instead of mere syllables?
here are examples of different forms of weapons that might be transformed from a person's spiteful remarks or vulgar insults, based on the way they wield their words.

my style would probably be alluded to the rapier - a cold, relentless blade, deceptively hidden in its sheath, patiently awaiting the opportune moment to impale with one lethal thrust.

png's form of verbal abuse would be likened to the formidable nanchaku - a pummel of blunt, disorienting attacks, often allied with confounding spins and twirls, and always aiming to deliver stunning and silencing strikes.

for him, the ideal weapon would be the whip - a tirade of stinging lashes intent on separating flesh from bone, seemingly looking to maim and torture, and a propensity to constrict with a deadly strangle to finish things off.

what is your weapon of choice?