Friday, October 24, 2008

can you say F-A-T-I-G-U-E?

yesterday was a real drainer. here's how it went, chronologically:

- woke up early to catch previous night's champions league highlights
- signed employment contract at centennial tower
- briefed by hr for 1 hour on staff benefits and company culture
- opened staff payroll account at raffles link
- listened to 1 hour preaching on investment plans
- met neo for 30min brunch at subway marina square
- took a 30min walk to raffles place
- underwent 3 hours of medical checkup
- travelled for 1 hour for copy of lost 'o' levels cert at buona vista
- hunted with jo for 5 hours for ig's birthday gift at amk hub
- returned home to wash up and unwind for 1 hour
- rushed down to join bk and png for drinks at boat quay
- finally arrived back home after 5 hours for overdue rest

while i was asleep, my mum tried to wake me up and ask if i wanted to join the family on a last-minute cruise-to-nowhere they were planning to attend tonight, and i simply rejected the idea in my semi-conscious stupor - in retrospect, maybe i should have taken some time to actually consider it. well, they've gone ahead with the plan, and now i'm left all alone at home for the rest of this long weekend, after which would be my first day at my first job. "congrats! you're a part of the rat race now!"

sigh. yawn. double-sigh. hmm? hey, look! at least they left me some bread talk buns! bread? talk? oh, maybe the hotdog buns will start chatting with me if i try hard enough to speak their language. or not. triple-yawn.

current mood: